Frequently Asked Questions

Is Powerlife like any other gym?

Powerlife is the antithesis of a conventional gym. As an independently owned and operated yoga studio, gym and Do-jang, our focus is to provide our members with the best service and personal attention. We believe exercise should be about ‘function’ rather than pure performance. We also believe that the more enjoyable exercise is, the more sustainable the participation. Our focus is purely based on mobility, stability, community and mental/emotional resilience.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we do! We offer a full-week free trial rather than a single class. During your trial, you can come to any fitness, yoga and taekwondo classes to try out and experience our awesome community. You will be asked to sign in at the front desk for your initial visit and then, you will have 1-week unlimited membership for free.

Do I have to sign up for a membership or can I come casually?

Yes, you can come casually. We have single passes available and a variety of plans to suit everyone. However, we definitely recommend you to attend our classes more than once a week to get all the benefits they offer. See our pricing page for more details.

What happens in the Free Training Consultation?

The consultation lasts around 30 minutes and you will come into our studio for a completely free and no-obligation consultation. We will offer you our best advice whether or not you decide to train with us, because we are committed to our community and like to provide the best guidance, no matter what.

We'll talk about your goals and lifestyle, and we'll recommend the ideal programme for your situation. Your personal trainer will happily answer any questions you may have, including any health and fitness questions that are unrelated to training with us. It's also our opportunity to demonstrate how we can assist you in having a great time while working hard to reaching your goals.

Am I too old or too young for fitness classes?

Our trainers are there to help you with the training, regardless of your age. If you have injuries or limits in any movements, we’ll modify the exercises for your personal needs. We have members from the age of 16 to 70+, so fitness is for anyone who is willing to take the challenge. Limits exist only in your mind.

I have never done a fitness class. Will I be ok?

If you have no experience at all doing group fitness classes, we recommend you start with some 30mins private sessions to learn some basic movements and fundamentals. Normally, in 5 sessions you will be able to learn most of the basics techniques for the fitness classes.

What if I have had a recent injury and/or illness?

Please advise all your teachers of your injury and/or condition before starting the class. If you have a previous serious injury or illness please organise a written clearance from your medical practitioner or therapist before starting at Powerlife. Always listen to your body and respect your limits.

Does martial arts training make a child aggressive?

We teach a practical, responsible self-defence program. Children learn that martial arts are not about violence but about developing skills they can use safely in a tough situation. Any violent behaviour the child shows usually disappears with continued training and increased self-esteem. Also, we recite the Student Oath and Six Tenets at the end of every class and discuss their meanings and applications.

Can women and girls learn taekwondo?

Definitely! Some of our best martial artists, including instructors and assistants, are women! Learning taekwondo or any other martial arts not only teaches women self-defence skills but also gives them a sense of empowerment. Taekwondo is for EVERYONE, as all things should be!

Can I do yoga if I am not flexible?

The answer to that is definitely yes! No one needs to be flexible to do yoga. Gaining flexibility is part of the journey and one of the various benefits you will get from practising yoga regularly. Each person does a posture to their limitation and makes progress at their own time, listening to their body. In that way, the same posture is challenging to yogis of all levels.

What yoga class would be suitable for me?

The different styles of yoga have different purposes. Also, every teacher has their own personal touches, so the best way to find out is to try each class and decide the ones that suit your fitness level and experience, are still challenging, and that feels good to your body. If you're still unsure, please contact us and we will be happy to talk through the options with you.

I have never practised yoga before, what do I need to know?

Listen to your body, acknowledge your limitations, take things slowly and only progress when your body is ready. As a beginner, you will feel comfortable participating in most of our mixed level classes. Options for both beginners and the more experienced are demonstrated in each class. If unsure, please ask a Powerlife team member which class is suitable for you.


Have any other questions? Feel free to contact us at any time!